Available on Amazon (Kindle and Paperback)
Here are a few of the topics discussed in this guidebook:
Breaking free from a broken genre
Replacing religious chains with righteous freedom
Believing in your new life story
Overcoming your past and doubts that are keeping you from your new life
Understanding the motive behind your new life story
If the motive of your story is not built around love, it will not get published
Creating a powerful outline and following it
You were created with greatness in mind, expect nothing less for your life
Living your new life story from a first-person point of view
You are the author of your story, don’t let anyone else tell it
The value of listening to your agent
Following the example of the one who knows exactly what your publisher wants
Understanding who your target audience is
Your new life story was meant to please your creator, not the world
This "Guidebook" is available at cost on Amazon.com (Kindle & Paperback), but if it is a money issue, contact me and I will send it to you for free!